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Thursday, November 29, 2012




Here, for your perusal, is my true horror vocation... The Horrorwalker Travel Guide! I have been writing, and collecting my own horror short tales, for my Horrorwalker Travel guide concept since the 1970's.
There are a couple of Horrorwalker novels in the works, too... but I am primarily a short story writer.
You can view examples of my Horrorwalker tales all over the place, like on my Facebook pages or in my Horrorwalker Presents: Meals For Vampires book and it's blog site and Facebook page. Plus, I have the Horrorwalker.com web site that I am slowly working on!
The basic concept is... there is dark horror lying in wait in the 50 states of America. The Horrorwalker, a mysterious and frightening human-like creature moves across the earth by unknown dark means, wrapped in total mystery, presenting horror stories to apparently random, and some not so random, humans and forces them to read a tale from it's bizarre Horrorwalker tome... of the horror that it has obviously witnessed and somehow placed the full details onto the pages of it's huge volume. After the encounter, the Horrorwalker vanishes... oftentimes right before the eyes of the human.
These frightful tales are of werewolves, vampires, monsters, creatures, things and the most dangerous creature of them all -- the humans!
Humans who have been approached by the Horrorwalker are compelled to either take action in regard to what they have read, or record the tale for the benefit of others. These are the stories that end up on the Horrorwalker websites, and inside the Horrorwalker Travel Guide and other Horrorwalker books.
And here, now, before you is your opportunity to educate yourself about the Horrorwalker horror. There is a reason the Horrorwalker exists... and you want to be aware of the facts before it visits you!
Here, for your perusal... The Horrorwalker Travel Guide!
"Sometimes you just have to scream... Bloody Murder!"

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