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Monday, June 4, 2012

Short Review of: GHOST STORIES

Hey fans of horror stuff. Have you ever seen this box set? All the information about the content is right there on the cover.

There are 40 half hour episodes in this box set. All are eerie, some are scary and a few are downright frightening. If you like ghost stories then this is for you.

Nothing compares to the Twilight Zone! And this box set is no exception. But, the production team tried hard to make some very skin crawling atmosphere in many of these these ghost tales. My short little mood poem below is the prefect primer to read before you watch the first episode.

On a scary ebon night...
When the stormy winds blow through the darkened wavy trees,
And swirling things bump against vibrating windows --
When outside dogs howl through their fear...
The perfect atmosphere is created for tales of ghosts and things.

On a scary ebon night....
When you wonder, 'what made that noise in the attic?' --
As you cringe as yet another thunder clap rattles your windows --
When you pull your comfort blanket even closer to your body...
That is the perfect time to pull out and watch some... GHOST STORIES!


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